Eyes of the Jedi 3

While the smoked lenses of the visored helmet had protected his eyes, the visibility had still been minimal. He had been forced to stop, to wait impatiently for the storm to break, for the air to clear. When it did, he looked upon a deserted plain. His prey had vanished as if swallowed by the very ground on which he stood.


Meticulously, the being swept the plains with his micro-binoculars. Nothing moved. Again, he made a careful sweep of the plains westward. The foothills were close. He swept them with care. It was possible the Corellian had been able to reach them during the storm. Perhaps, even now, the being reasoned, the outlawed spacer could be deep within the protection of those hills.


Against the full throes of the storm he had seen the man go down several times under the burden he carried. He had thought the man unable to rise on each occasion, but he had. He had kept moving during the savageness of the storm. Fett's respect for the smuggler increased. The man, hurt, weak from blood loss and the disadvantages of thin air, would survive the storm and find shelter. Now, he would seek high ground to put himself above the hunter. He was not a man to underestimate.


Fett studied the roughed foothills. He would reach the slopes in another hour. If he had not seen movement by then, he would attempt to gain the higher ground, find shelter and set his ambush. He had played the game long enough; he was growing impatient.


He knelt and checked the mobile units of his kneedarts. He grunted in exasperation, at his findings. The delicate mechanisms were frozen useless by fine grains of sand. He unfastened the weaponry and let it fall. Without the added weight he would be able to increase his speed.


He checked his utility belt and the storage packs for the laser rifle he carried. The Corellian would be weakened, badly by now, he reasoned. He would need nothing more than time and a fully charged rifle to take him. Yes, he assured himself, the end was near.


* * *

Luke Skywalker listened wearily to the howling of the winds outside their shelter and shivered with discomfort. Silence had fallen between them as they rested from the ordeal that had brought them through the storm. He could hear Solo's ragged breathing within the silence about them. And, he worried.


Han Solo was hurt. Luke remembered the wet bandages he had touched - the agony that had coursed the Corellian's body when his fingers had encountered the foreign matter imbedded in his back. Han had made light of the injury. But, Luke knew the constant blood loss would drain what strength the man had and leave him vulnerable to the being who followed.

ハン・ソロは怪我をしていた。ルークは濡れた包帯の感触と、背中に刺さった何かに 彼の指が触れた瞬間コレリア人の身体に走った激痛を思い出した。 ハンは大した傷ではないような言い方をしていたが、ルークは大量の出血が精神力を奪い、 追跡者に対して弱みになってしまうことを知っていた。

The young Jedi gingerly touched the blood-caked bandage at his temple. There was more. He was conscious - on his feet. He should be a help to the rapidly failing Solo now when he needed him the most. How could he tell him that he would probably be more of a hindrance now then he'd been before?

こめかみに当てられている血で固まった包帯にそっと触れる。問題はこれだけではなかった。 自分はしっかりと意識を取り戻している。今、どんどんと弱っているソロが彼を最も必要としているときに 力になってやるべきなのに。さっきまでの自分以上に今の自分が足枷になってしまうかもしれないなんて、どうして言えるだろう。

Luke blinked, closed his eyes and drew the familiar essence of the Force about him. It was a warmth, a comfort, He drew on it greedily, letting it settle about him like a cloak of well being. It was a friend, a guiding hand, he told himself. It had become a lot to him since Ben had awakened him to its existence. Now, he asked it to become his eyes. A feeling of contentment settled over him and Luke felt his anxieties ebb away. He was secure in the Force. It was there for him - for Han. A contented, benign smile pulled at the youth's pale lips. Someday the Corellian would believe. Someday he would accept what he could not now acknowledge.

ルークは瞬きをして目を閉じると、慣れ親しんだフォースを引き寄せた。 温もりと癒しを求め、それが神の衣服のように自分の体を覆うがままにさせ、 その感覚を貪った。フォースは僕の友達、導いてくれる手だと自分に言い聞かせる。 ベンがその存在に気づかせてくれてから、フォースは彼の中で大きな位置を占めるようになっていた。 今彼はこのフォースに、彼の目になることを要求していた。充足感に満たされ不安が引いていく。 フォースの中では彼は安全だった。彼のために――ハンのために、それはそこにあった。 満ち足りた優しげな笑みが、青年の青ざめた唇に浮かんだ。いつかハンも信じてくれるだろう。 今は認めようとしないことも、いつか受け入れてくれるだろう。

Luke sighed. There was so much he longed to tell his friend; to share with him. There was so much the willful Corellian could learn if he would only lower his mental prejudices. His eyes closed, his breathing shallow, relaxed, Luke Skywalker opened himself willingly to the power within and meditated.

ルークはため息をついた。伝えたいこと、分かち合いたいことが沢山ある。 強情なコレリア人が少しでも自分の偏見を認めて譲歩してくれれば、 色んなことが見えてくる筈だった。目を閉じ、ゆるやかな呼吸は浅く、 ルーク・スカイウォーカーは体内の力に身を任せ瞑想を始めた。

He had no idea how long he had sat bathed in the contentment of the Force when the power sounded its alarm. He acknowledged it immediately and retuned his senses to his surroundings. Everything seemed as before. He could still hear the wind outside, but its intensity had lessened. The storm was blowing itself out. They would soon have to get moving again. Although he had not dwelt on the thought during the storm, his instincts had warned him that the small beacon could not penetrate the storm's interference. They would have to get it into the open and offer it more elevation.

フォースが警告音を発したとき、彼は充足感の中でどれだけの間座っていたか見当もつかなかった。 周囲の状況へとすばやく感覚を引き戻す。全てが変わっていないように感じた。 まだ外で風が吹き荒れているのを聞き取ることが出来たが、勢いは弱まっている。 もうすぐ再び動き出さなければならないだろう。嵐の間そのことを心配していたわけではないが、 彼の勘が小さな発信機の発した信号が嵐を突き抜けることは出来なかったのだと告げていた。 もっと開けたところへ機器を移動し、高さを確保しなければならないだろう。

"Han." Luke's voice sounded loud within the confines of their shelter. There was no answer. His heart quickened.




He could hear the breathing of the older man. Why didn't he answer? Reaching out, Luke felt his way through the darkness until he touched the shoulder of the Corellian. He knelt beside the spacer and fumbled for Solo's face. His fingers encountered hair gritty with sand. He pushed it away from the smuggler's forehead.

年上の男の息遣いが聞こえる。どうして応えないんだろう?手を伸ばし、 ルークはコレリア人の肩に触れるまで闇の中を手探りで進んだ。 傍らに跪くとソロの顔へとぎこちなく手を伸ばす。砂でじゃりついた髪に指が触れた。 その髪を額からはらってやる。

"Han? Hey, ol' buddy, come on. Wake up!"


Luke's fingers brushed Solo's closed eyes and lightly touched the thick lashes. There was no flicker of awareness. His hand, now unsteady with fear, moved downward until he touched Solo's mouth; the lips dry, caked with sand and grit.

ルークの指がソロの閉じられた瞳を掠め、重たげな睫毛に軽く触れた。 反応が全くない。恐怖で落ち着きをなくした手が下方に降り、ソロの血と砂で固まった 唇に触れる。

"Han! Damn it. Wake up!"


Desperately, Luke slapped at Solo's warm cheeks. Once. Twice. Movement? He stopped, again he felt for the eyes. This time, the lids reacted to his feather-like touch. He sighed with relief allowing the fear to dissipate as he shook the Corellian.

絶望感にかられて、ルークはソロの熱を帯びた頬を叩いた。 一回、二回…動いた?彼は叩くのを止め、再び目を手探った。 今度は、その掠めるような感触に瞼が反応した。安堵の息をつくと、 恐怖が薄れていくのを感じながらそのコレリア人を揺さぶる。

"Han! Come out of it!"


Solo groaned and attempted to force the heaviness of sleep from him. "Luke?"


"I'm right here. God, you had me worried! The headaches you mentioned - were you dizzy - sick?"

「ここにいるよ。もう、本当に心配したよ! さっき言ってた頭痛は……眩暈は?気分が悪かったの?」

"Yeah. Take it easy, kid. I'm all right - " Solo struggled to sit up and gentle, caring hands helped him.


"You shouldn't have gone to sleep," Luke admonished sharply, fear still noticeable in his voice.


"Didn't mean to - it slipped up - on - me - "


"How are you now?"


Solo grimaced as he slowly opened his eyes. He blinked away the dregs of sleep, then settled dull-eyed attention on the youth beside him. "I'm okay - just damned sore. I don't think I want - to try - moving the shoulder - "

ゆっくり目を開けるとソロは顔をしかめた。まとわりつく睡魔をまばたきで散らすと、 傍らの青年にぼんやりとした目を向けた。

Solo looked up. Worry touched hazel eyes and he studied the youthful features of his friend more closely. Luke knelt beside him, his countenance still somewhat hazy in the semi-darkness of their surroundings. There was something disturbing in the boy's bearings, something he didn't like. Suspicion hit him hard.

ソロは顔を上げた。ハシバミ色の瞳に心配そうな影がよぎり、 友人のあどけない容貌をじっと見つめた。ルークは彼の隣に膝をつき、 その姿は薄暗い中でまだ少しぼやけていた。青年の様子には何か引っかかるものがあった―― 何か気に入らないものが。疑惑が彼を襲った。

"How are you, Kid? Any more headaches?"


"No." Luke denied softly. He turned his head to the Corellian's welcomed voice. "It hurts to touch my temple, but there's no headache."


Solo's brow furrowed with worry. The side of the boy's face was caked with blood, sand and the grit of their struggles. His features pale, as Solo was sure his own were, from their pain, their injuries but there was something else - something wrong.

ソロは心配そうに眉根を寄せた。青年の顔の側面には、先程の大奮闘による血や砂がこびりついている。 彼の顔色は痛みや傷で多分彼自身のそれと同じくらい青ざめていた。しかし他にも何かがあった――何かがおかしい。

He settled his gaze on the young rebel's pale-blue eyes. They were clear, pain-free. He stiffened. They also looked beyond him - through him. They did not focus on his face. A cold touch of fear ran his spine.

若い反乱軍員の淡い青の瞳に目線を合わせる。澄んだ、何の痛みも表さない両の瞳。 身体がこわばる。その瞳は彼の向こうを見ていた――彼を通り抜けていた。 彼の顔に焦点を合わせていなかった。冷たい恐怖が背筋を滑り降りた。

"Han, I think the storm is letting up - we should get moving for higher ground - "


Han, his mouth dry with the agony of long hours without water, knew that was not the reason behind the sudden dryness and the tight constriction in his throat. His eyes were hardened agates of gun-metal gray as he raised a hand and slowly moved it before those blank - yes, he confirmed - sightless eyes.

何時間も水を摂取しなかったため口の中が痛いほど乾燥しきっていたが、 突然襲ってきた乾きと喉が締め付けられるような感覚の原因はそれだけはないことが解っていた。 メノウのような灰青色のなかで目を険しく細め、彼は手を挙げると空虚な――そう彼は確信した―― 光を失った瞳の前にかざしゆっくりと動かした。

Luke's hand reached out and caught his, held it, as if sensing its presence. Solo knew he had not seen it. The pale-blue eyes were as vacant as the abyss of a black hole. Luke Skywalker was blind.

まるでそれを感じたかのようにルークの手が伸びてその手を取り、掴んだ。 見えたわけではないことがソロには解っていた。淡い青の瞳は まるで底なしのブラックホールのように空虚だった。 ルーク・スカイウォーカーは失明していた。

"How long - " he faltered.


"Since I regained consciousness." Luke answered softly.


Their hands tightened; one radiating fear, helplessness, anger; the other offering reassurance, comfort and strength.


"I'm sorry." Han whispered, his voice husky with an emotion he could not control.


Luke smiled, his features reflecting a peaceful acceptance in vivid contrast to the anguish he sensed on the handsome features of his tall friend.


"It's all right - "


"It's not all right!" Solo flared. "It's my trouble - my fight - "


"Han, it's our trouble, our fight. He brought us down." Luke reassured the Corellian. "He'll have to deal with us both. I think he may have taken on more than he can handle."


"Luke," helplessness radiated in Solo's pain filled voice as he studied the peaceful countenance of his friend. "You're blind - "


"A physically blinded Jedi, my friend, is not necessarily a blind Jedi."


There was an assurance in the youthful voice that added a knowing maturity to his words. Solo groaned and looked away from the sightless eyes that continued to fill him with mounting helplessness and eager hatred towards the being responsible. "He'll pay for this," he vowed softly between tightly clenched teeth.

若々しいその声には励ますような響きがあり、それが言葉に意識的な成熟さを加えていた。 ソロは呻き声を洩らし、この事態に責任がある人物に対するどうしようもない憎しみと 無力感をかきたてる光の無い瞳から目をそらした。

"No." Luke stopped him. "We'll do what we must to survive. Revenge, hatred, anger are wrong - they are weaknesses, Han, not strengths."


Solo swore hotly. "You're sounding more like that crazy old man every day."


"I wish I had his knowledge - his wisdom." Luke voiced sadly. "Maybe I could find a way to be a help to you now - instead of a handicap - "


"You don't talk like that!" Han snapped. "We got here in one piece - I sure in hell plan on us leaving the same way - "


"Then, the first thing we've got to do is get the beacon to higher ground." Luke spoke softly, attempting to ease Solo's anger.


Han shot him a suspicious glance. "It may have gotten a weak signal out - " he voiced hopefully.


"No. It didn't."


"We can't be sure of that."


"It didn't, Han."


Solo sighed. "I ain't gonna argue the point. You're probably right."


He struggled to his feet, swaying as weakness and growing vertigo sent his head spinning. Luke's hand reached out and steadied him.




"Kid, I think we're in trouble." The Corellian gasped as his first step sent waves of pain through his shoulder. He blanched, swayed again, vivid colors of pain flashing behind his eyes. "We're in trouble."


"Take it easy - you got up too fast - "


Solo tried to nod, then remembered the young Rebel could not see his acknowledgement. He could not trust his voice as he attempted to voice his fears. "Ain't a complete man - between us - " He clipped off his words and glanced apologetically at the youth who held him on his feet. "I didn't mean - "


"Han, it's all right. I understand. How are you?"


"Weak. A little dizzy." Solo answered honestly. "The shoulder - I don't know how - I can make it -"


Luke gently touched the bound wound. The dressing was stiff, hard, unyielding to his probing fingers.


"I think - the bleeding's stopped."


Solo grunted his relief. "Maybe - we've got a chance. Damn it, Luke - I can't hold a blaster - much less - " He allowed his words to trail off, the rest left unspoken between them as his hazel eyes hardened in helpless frustration.

「もしかしたら…なんとかなるかもな。くそっ、ルーク…俺はブラスターすら持ち上げられない…これじゃあ…」 彼は続きを言わないまま言葉を途切れさせた。どうしようもない苛立ちに、ハシバミ色の瞳が険しさを増す。

"I can."


A flicker of pride touched Solo's handsome features as he looked at the young Jedi at his side. "Damned right. Chewie'll be looking for us. Let's not keep him waiting."


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