This story was written just for fun and is not an attempt to make money or infringe on any copyrights or trademarks.

Eyes of the Jedi

+++ by J.A.Berger +++

The small, insignificant moon floated alone, barren in a system long void of life, its dying sun bathing the sphere in an eternal twilight. There was no reason for a man to walk the moon's sand blown ground, to study her worldless skies or to charter the descent patterns to her largest plain, but a man did.


The being stood close to two meters in height, his body proportions proclaiming him humanoid while his visage, encased in armor, tried to deny it. The helmeted head tilted upward, his visored eyes patiently scanning the darkened heavens. He seemed undisturbed that the moon's eternally active winds kept visibility at minimal efficiency. His attention found the red star, his reference point, with ease and he held to it for several moments before shifting his attention again to his lifeless surroundings.

2メートル近い長身のその男は、体つきからヒューマノイドであることが見て取れたが、鎧に隠されたその容貌はそれを否定しようとしていた。冑に覆われた頭が上向き、バイザーを通して暗くなった天球を慎重に見渡した。その星のやむことのない風が視界を遮るのも気にならないようだった。彼はたやすく指標としている赤い星を見つけ、しばしそれを見つめると 生命が感じられない周囲の風景へと注意を戻した。

Far below the rocky parapet from which he had chosen to keep his vigil the being gazed across the barren plains of the nameless moon. The winds had ebbed to a strong breeze and the sand and soil settled momentarily before again swirling upward to move onward in an endless dance of displacement. Beyond the sea of eternal sand rose sharply-peaked mountains of dark granite as barren and lifeless as the plains and more inhospitable. Nowhere were there signs of growth or water with which to sustain life.


The armored being nodded his approval of the sterile world: it would serve his purpose well. In a ceremony of silence the armor-encased humanoid christened the world Quest's End.


It had been a long, arduous trek across the limitless reaches of the galaxy in an almost impossible quest for one man, one ship, among the multitudes of life which abounded in a teeming universe. To most, it would have seemed an impossible chore, one which could require the labors of a lifetime and still lead to no assurance of success. To the armored being it was only one of many hunts he had taken in an already long, successful career. This one had proven to be a little longer, a little more difficult, and, ultimately, a little more dangerous, but that would only make the taste of attainment sweeter at the end.


And the end was in sight. Today, he would collect that which he hunted. He had never failed. This one had merely proven a little more difficult than he had originally bargained for; he made a mental note to increase the bounty when he made delivery.


The winds picked up, and the plains below him seemed alive, the sands forever moving as if seeking their rest on a world already dead.


The being stiffened as a flash of light flared from a sector of space he had been watching intently. The rasp of his life support increased as his breathing quickened in expectation. He subconsciously adjusted his oxygen intake valve, resetting it to compensate for the thinness of the world's atmosphere: another advantage, he reminded himself, that he would hold over the prey he would soon stalk. His helmeted visage settled on the dot of light that continued to move toward him. He nodded in satisfaction as the light fell into his anticipated descent pattern. It entered the moon's atmosphere and the being mentally counted off segmented timeparts. He paused at a remembered figure, studying the growing light carefully. There was another flash from the now-recognizable shape. All was going as planned.


The small, long-range shuttle listed badly to port. Its stabilizers sporadic from the explosions which had rendered it virtually powerless. It was coming down - fast.


Boba Fett, intergalactic bounty hunter, swore as he watched the vessel shudder under yet another concussion. The small ship was fighting desperately to control its descent as it fell under the gravitational influence of the small, dead world.


The damage to the ship was major, as he had intended it to be, but it was imperative that the vessel land safely: the bounty would be worthless to him dead. He clinched his hands into tight fists as he watched the ship drop. The pilot was good - very good. Under less efficient hands the small craft would have fallen from the skies like a mortally wounded F'Lanta soarer.


A vapor trail marked the craft's descent, her fuel igniting as it streamed from her ruptured lines. At any moment a spark could end the small vessel's life, and those of the crew aboard her. The pilot, aware of the danger, shut down all systems. The ship drifted powerlessly toward the plains. The possibility of ignited fuel minimized by the powerless fall assured she would not explode in the skies.


The being shifted uneasily as he realized - all too well - the danger the crew aboard the craft faced in their powerless landing. The probabilities of a rough landing had multiplied tremendously. Without the employment of the vessel's braking thrusters or small, powerful retros, the shuttle would crash. The damage was more severe than he had anticipated, but it had been a plan of desperation, the last hope for the bounty before his prey disappeared again into the abyss of space and his unknown lair. It had been an opportunity he could not allow to pass. The small shuttle had been vulnerable in ways the man's customary transportation was not. Her intricate systems innocently unguarded against the sabotage he had arranged.


All had gone as planned. At lift-off the shuttle had activated the first fusion bomb wired to her hyperdrive. When she had reached minimum thrust for jump data it had exploded, destroying hyperdrive systems and all adjoining defense and communications. She had drifted into the reaches of the Ordmandel system. Before her crew had time to check her failures, still another bomb had erupted, taking out her main drive and badly disabling her guidance. It had been the first flash he had witnessed. The explosion had done its job well - too well - for it was obvious that even on full manual, the pilot had been left with little more than a shell of the once spaceworthy vessel. He would need all his vast skills to walk away from the landing he now prepared for.


The shuttle screamed over the armored being's vantage point. The pilot used the world's winds and buffeting turbulence expertly to slow the powerless, falling vessel. He fought to put the craft into a glide pattern over the plain, trying to control against a total disaster. With a reckless desperation that Fett had grown to expect and admire in the pilot, the shuttle's thrusters burst to life. The craft shuddered violently before she was again shut off from her life line and the escaping fuel. The ship slowed. The fuel thick in the vapor behind her had not ignited. The pilot had gambled and won, but still was a long way from the sands of Quest's End.

そのシャトルは男の頭上を音を立てて通過した。操縦士は衛星の風と、機体を弄ぶ乱気流を巧く使って、 落ちていく船のスピードを緩めていた。彼はなんとかして機体と地平を平行にし、 この大惨事の主導権を握ろうとしているようだった。フェットが敬意を抱き始めていた捨て鉢な無鉄砲さにより、 シャトルの逆推進ロケットが息を吹き返した。機体は大きくかしいで、再び電源と零れていく燃料から切り離された。 落下のスピードが落ちている。船尾から霞状になってたなびく燃料にも引火しなかった。操縦士は賭けに勝ったのだ。 しかし彼が「冒険の終わり」にたどりつくまでにはまだ長い道のりがあった。

The vessel, no longer able to hold altitude, fell. She hit hard - bounced - then tipped to starboard. Her landing gear crumbled beneath her. On her side, she skidded, digging great trenches into the undisturbed sands of the barren world. Han Solo had landed.

高度を保つことが出来なくなり、船は落ちた。機体を激しく打ち付け、 跳ね上がると船は右側に傾いて停まった。着陸装置が機体の下敷きになってつぶれた。 船はその横腹で荒らされたことの無い平野に溝を刻みながら横滑りした。 ハン・ソロは着陸したのだった。

The damaged craft lay still, her titanium hull battered, bent, scarred with the carbon scoring of the attacks within her belly. She lay silent, unmoving, as lifeless as the world on which she had come to die. And still Fett waited, his patience grown easy with years of exposure. If the pilot wasn't dead, he was dangerous. If he were alive he could not remain long in the ship. The fumes, smoke and decaying artificial atmosphere would soon force him out. Fett's gloved hand touched the laser rifle slung over his shoulder. Soon the hunt would begin. He had chosen the terrain, the prey, and he eagerly awaited the game. There would be two men to enhance the interest in the hunt. He studied the unopened hatch intently. What would the unknown man contribute to this hunt? He didn't know, but the unknown factor heightened his anticipation.

傷ついた船は動かずに横たわっていた。チタンで出来た機体はひしゃげ、 その腹部には爆発でついた焼け焦げのような裂傷が見て取れる。 まるで彼女自身の墓場となったその星のように生命を感じさせず、じっと静かに倒れ伏している。 フェットは長年の経験で培った忍耐力をもって、いまだ待ち続けていた。 もし操縦士が生きているのなら、彼は危険な状況にあるはずだった。 生きていれば、あの船の中にそう長くはいられない。 蒸気や煙、汚れていく人工空気がすぐに彼を脱出へと駆り立てるだろう。もうすぐ、狩りが始まる。 舞台と役者は揃った、あとはゲームの開始を待つばかりだ。二人の男がこの狩りに趣を加えてくれる。 彼は閉ざされたままの船の開閉口をじっと見つめた。知らない方の男はどんな風にこの狩りに関わってくれるのだろうか。 予想もつかなかったが、未知の要素は彼の期待を否応無しに高めた。

The narrow confines of the shuttle were dim with failing emergency lighting and were rapidly filling with smoke as a darkened shape stumbled awkwardly down the corridor. He fell to his knees, his body racked with lung-threatening coughs, as he tried to navigate within the growing death trap of the downed ship. He covered his nose and mouth with a vest he had wrestled from his body, but was forced to abandon the meager protection when his right arm refused to obey its nerves' order to grasp the collar of the prone figure at his feet. The tall man coughed, dropped the vest, grabbed the fallen man with his left hand and again fought his way toward the hatch. The ship, on her side, made traversing her corridors almost impossible to the injured man who attempted to half carry, half drag his unconscious companion.

狭いシャトルの内部は消えかかっている非常灯で薄暗く、煙が急速に充満してきていた。 人影が一つ、つまづきながらぎこちなく通路を進んでいた。肺が痛む程の咳に体中が悲鳴をあげ、 膝から崩れ落ちながらも彼は船が仕掛けた死の罠から抜け出そうとしていた。 鼻と口を脱ぎすてたベストで覆ったが、そのささやかな防御も、右手が足元に伏している 青年の襟首をつかむことを拒んだので諦めざるを得なかった。長身の男は咳き込み、 ベストを捨てると左手で倒れている青年を掴んで、出口へと苦しい前進を再開した。 横向きに倒れた船の通路は、傷ついた男が意識の無い連れを半分引きずりながら運んでいくことを この上なく困難にしていた。

Standing erect, the pilot of the vessel hit the hatch open control. The hatch remained closed. Desperately, the man hit it again. There was no response. They were sealed in the vessel which could easily become their tomb.

まっすぐに立つと、操縦士は昇降口の開閉ボタンを叩いた。出口は閉じたままだった。 必死になって再度叩くが何も起こらない。棺桶になりかねないこの船の中に、二人は閉じ込められていた。

The fumes of escaping fuel strong in his nostrils, Han Solo swore, then coughed again. There was a chance, a dangerous one. But, he was not a man who shied away from danger. He had not come this far, he told himself, to die inside the shuttle because he could not open the hatch. Coughing, his eyes streaming from the irritating sting of the smoke and building fumes, he unholstered the blaster, reaching for it left-handed, the movement clumsy and awkward for the normally right-handed man. He took a step backward and aimed at the controls. He squeezed the trigger. A deadly beam erupted in the silence, struck the control with a sharp concussion, hissed, sparkled, then fused the intricate wiring. The hatch flew open.

漏れた燃料の臭いが鼻をつき、ハン・ソロは悪態をつくと再び咳き込んだ。危険が迫っている。 しかし彼は危険にしり込みするような男ではなかった。出口が開かないというだけで、 こんなところで死んでたまるか。煙と臭気に目を潤ませ、咳き込みながら彼は左手でブラスターを抜いた。 普段は右利きであるため、その動作は不器用でぎこちない。一歩下がって狙いを定める。 痛烈な一撃が静寂を貫き、開閉装置を襲い音を立ててはじけると縺れた配線を溶かす。昇降口が勢いよく開いた。

Solo went to his knees, the coughing warning him of the danger of remaining longer in the ship. He holstered the blaster. Reaching down he weakly lifted the motionless figure of his young friend. With the last of rapidly failing strength, he pushed the body though the hatch, balanced it there, and precariously pulled himself up onto the edge and dropped to the ground. He stumbled, caught himself against the side of the ship, then hurriedly eased the unconscious figure across his left shoulder. A sound within the belly of the ship told the tall Corellian they had run out of time. He pushed himself away from the vessel, staggered under the weight of his awkward burden, and forced his weakened legs into a stumbling run.

ソロは膝をついた。咳がこれ以上船内にいることの危険性を示している。 ブラスターをホルスターに戻し、弱々しく手を伸ばすと彼は年若い友人を抱え上げた。 最後の力を振り絞り友人の身体を昇降板の上に乗せると、自分もなんとか這いあがり地面に飛び降りる。 よろめいて船の横腹で自身を支えると、急いで意識の無い友人を左肩に慎重に乗せた。 船の腹部から聞こえる音が、長身のコレリア人に時間がないことを告げていた。 意識の無い重荷によろめきながらも船から離れようと、彼は弱々しい足を叱咤して走り出した。

He threw himself to the ground. As an explosion touched the shuttle, he maneuvered his body protectively over the small, motionless one of the young Jedi. He ducked his head to avoid flying debris and pressed his face into his friend's flight jacket. His head threatening to split under the pressure, he gritted his teeth and fought to retain consciousness. His body was assaulted by the turbulence of the final blast as the angry, painful rain of debris pelted his all-but-unprotected back. He screamed soundlessly, his mind - his senses - reeling under the intensity of the blast.

地面に身を投げ出す。シャトルが爆発する瞬間、彼は自分の身体で一回り小柄な動かない若いジェダイの身体をかばうように覆った。 飛んでくる破片を避けようと、頭を伏せて友人のフライトジャケットに顔をうずめる。 頭が割れそうな圧迫感の中、彼は歯を食いしばって遠のいていく意識と戦った。 荒れ狂う最後の爆発から飛んでくる危険な残骸が無防備な背中に突き刺さる。 声にならない悲鳴をあげた彼の意識や感覚は、衝撃の激しさの所為でグルグル回っていた。

It was over. A silence, like none he could remember, settled over him as he forced air into smoke-filled lungs, his body racked with cough after cough that brought pain to every nerve of his being. He shook his head to clear away the fiery cobwebs that nestled there, then swore at his foolishness, his head threatening to split apart if he attempted to move it again. He didn't. Red veins of pain flashed through a mind that was attempting to override and deal with concussion. He was dizzy and he felt bile rising in his throat. He fought it down and forcefully willed it to remain uninvolved in his already numerous problems. He had no time to be sick.

全てが過ぎ去った。煙で満たされた肺に空気を送り込むと、 今まで経験した中でいちばん静かな静寂が訪れた。体中の神経が悲鳴をあげるのを感じながら激しく咳き込む。 頭を振って蜘蛛の巣のように絡みつく熱を振り払おうとすると、 次に頭を動かした時は本当に割れてしまいそうな激痛が走り、彼は自分の愚かさを呪う言葉を吐いた。 彼はもう頭を動かそうとはしなかった。状況を把握しようとしていた意識を激しい痛みが貫く。 眩暈とともにこみ上げてきた吐き気を、すでに山積みになっている問題にこれ以上水をささないように抑え込む。 体調を崩している場合ではなかった。

He lay next to the pale, unconscious youth he had pulled from the shuttle. Luke Skywalker was alive. Solo could see the boy's chest rising and falling in a motion of normal respiration. The Corellian drew a deep breath of gratitude, then grimaced when painfully deprived lungs reminded him to breathe slowly. He reached out and touched the bleeding gash at the boy's temple. It was the only injury immediately noticeable, and Solo probed the ragged wound gently. Whatever had caused it had cut deeply and cleanly; there was no sign of foreign matter in the wound.

シャトルから引きずってきた青年は、彼の隣でまだ意識を失ったまま横たわっている。 ルーク・スカイウォーカーは生きていた。通常の呼吸と同じように少年の胸が上下しているのが見える。 安心して深く息をつくと、酸欠状態に追い込まれ傷ついた肺がもっとゆっくり息をすることを痛みと共に訴え、 ソロは顔をしかめた。手を伸ばして少年のこめかみの出血が止まっていない裂傷に触れる。 パっと見て目に入る傷はこれだけだった。痛々しい傷口をそっと調べる。何がやったのかはわからないが、 スッパリと深く切れていた。傷口に何かが入っているということはなさそうだった。

The wind increased. The injured spacer shivered more from reaction and trauma than actual discomfort. He touched Luke's face with a gentle, caring hand. "It's okay, Kid. We've been through worse - than this."

風の勢いが増した。傷ついた操縦士は実際の不快さより、事故の反動とショックの所為で身体を震わせた。 優しく労わるようにルークの顔に触れる。

Taking a chance that he could retain consciousness, Han Solo sat up. The buzzing in his ears increased until he felt his skull was aswarm with a hive of Alanti Jackbees. He set his teeth against the discomfort and took a quick check of his own injuries.

意識がつなぎとめられているうちに、ハン・ソロは起き上がった。耳鳴りが酷くなり、 まるで頭の中が蜂の大群でいっぱいになったようだった。歯を食いしばって不快感に耐え、 ざっと自分自身の傷を確かめる。

His right arm was useless. He could move it only with pain, which threatened to carry him into oblivion if he did not heed its warnings. He had wrenched it badly. As his mind cleaned and efficiently sorted through the various pains, he found the reason behind the increased discomfort of his wrenched shoulder. The back of his shirt was plastered to his back with a moisture he was unsure he cared to acknowledge. Gritting his teeth, he reached to his shoulder left-handed, reaching as far back as he could. His fingers came back smeared with blood. He swore helplessly, remembering the impact - the battering he had taken during the explosion. He had been savagely struck by flying debris, sliced open as neatly as with the blade of the ancient weapon his young friend carried.

右腕は使い物にならなかった。動かせば激痛が走る。注意しないと動かした途端に気を失う恐れがあった。 相当酷く捻ってしまったようだ。意識が徐々にはっきりし始め、体中の痛みを効率的に分類していくと、 捻った肩の不快さの理由を見つけた。彼のシャツは、それがなんであるか確認することが躊躇われる湿り気で背中に貼り付いている。 歯を食いしばると彼は左手を背中へ遣り、届くぎりぎりのところまで右肩へとのばした。 戻って来た彼の指は血で濡れていた。爆発時に受けた打撃を思い出し、成すすべも無く悪態をつく。 飛んできた船の破片で酷く打たれ、その背中は友人が持ち歩く太古の武器でなされたようにぱっくりと切り開かれていた。

Attempting to keep his right arm immobile, Solo slipped out of his shirt. The back of the thin material verified his worst suspicions. It was completely soaked with blood. He grasped the shirt sleeve between strong, white teeth and savagely ripped it into long, ragged strips. Weakly, he paused for breath. He had to stop the bleeding or he would be of no use to either of them.

右腕を動かさないようにしながら、ソロはシャツを脱いだ。薄い生地の背中の部分は 最悪の予想通り完全に血で濡れていた。強く白い歯でシャツの袖を噛むと、 それを乱暴に細長いハギレにしていく。力なく、息継ぎをするためにしばし休む。 出血を止めないと自分は彼ら二人にとってまったくの役立たずになってしまう。

And his Corellian senses were screaming to be acknowledged. He recognized the warnings. He refused to allow himself to fall prey to his anxieties; he knew they were there to save him. They couldn't stay near the ship. They had to seek shelter - hide. He didn't bother to question his instincts. They were finely tuned from long years of constant exposure to danger and the promise of quick death. But unless he could get the bleeding controlled, he could not hope to get far - nor live long. His body could become as dangerous to his life as the unknown that awaited them on this uncharted battle ground.

そして彼のコレリア人の勘が気づけと叫んでいた。その警告には覚えがあった。 彼は必ず何処かに潜んでいるであろう自分を狙う誰かの手にみすみす掛かってやるつもりは無かった。 船の近くに留まっているのは危険だ。隠れ場所を見つけなければ。 常に危険や死と隣り合わせだった長い年月で培われた自分の直感を、彼は疑おうとはしなかった。 しかし出血を止めない限り、遠くまで逃げるどころか生き延びることすら危うい。 この身体が、この未知の戦場で彼らを待ち受ける何者かと同じくらい自分にとって危険なものになってしまうかもしれなかった。

He forced a strip of material over his right shoulder, then fumbled awkwardly for the end left-handed. After several minutes of intense struggle and perspiringly painful maneuvers, he managed an awkward, if not totally efficient bandage. He could not see the wound he attempted to dress. He worked from the growing pain as the numbness of the recent injury wore off. He applied pressure as best he could, then lay back spent from his efforts.

生地の切れ端をなんとか右肩にかけると、不器用な左手でもう一方の端をまさぐる。 数分間の奮闘と痛々しい試行錯誤の末、彼はなんとかぎこちなくはあるがほぼ充分な応急処置を施すことが出来た。 包帯しようとしている傷が見えないため、麻痺した感覚が薄れるにつれて増す痛みを頼りに手を動かした。 傷をできるだけきつく縛ると、彼は力尽きて再び横になった。

It had taken only a matter of moments, yet he sensed the anxieties mounting. He hurriedly tightened the remains of a tattered sleeve about the boy's forehead, packing the temple wound snugly. There was no sign of returning consciousness in the young Jedi. He would have to be carried.

ほんの少ししか時間は経っていなかったが、気分は焦り始めていた。 やぶれた袖の残骸で少年のこめかみの傷をしっかりと覆い、額に巻きつける。 若いジェダイが意識を回復する様子はなかった。運んでやらなくてはならない。

He struggled to stand on shaky legs and tottered unsteadily as he glanced about their surroundings with the eye of both hunter and hunted. He had been both on more occasions than he cared to remember. It had supplied him with the knowledge of survival: He would not be taken easily by whoever, or whatever, had brought them down.

震える足を叱咤して何とか立ち上がりよろけながら、彼は狩る者と狩られる者両方のそれを 兼ね備えた目つきで辺りを見渡した。彼は覚えているのが億劫になるくらい何度も、 両方の立場に立ったことがあった。その経験は生き延びるための知識を与えてくれる。 彼らをここまで追い詰めたのが誰であろうと、何であろうと、簡単に手に掛かってはやらない。

Spacer's instinct directed his attention to the flat mesa several kilometers to the north. It was the closest observation point to their present position where he could achieve the altitude necessary to activate the small emergency homer he had pocketed hurriedly before leaving the shuttle.

宇宙を駆ける者の直感で、彼は北に数キロ行ったところにあるなだらかな岩場へと注意を向けた。 それは視界に入るうちで唯一、シャトルを降りる際に持ち出した小さな緊急発信機を設置できそうな高地だった。

His suspicions turned him away from the mesa and toward the rough, inhospitable peaks to the west. The wind was again picking up, swirling sand about the standing Corellian, driving the tiny, sharp bits of soil into the unprotected flesh of his bare torso. He glanced again toward the mesa. His back stiffened, his hazel eyes narrowing in confirmed anger. He had seen a brief flash from the mesa. The moon's weak sun managed a minute reflection from something alien to the world's existence, and his alert observation had picked it up. They were being watched. And whatever awaited them, waited there.

疑惑の念が彼の注意を、岩場から東の荒々しく生命を寄せ付けない峰へと向けさせた。 再び勢いを増した風が立ち尽くすコレリア人の周囲に砂を吹き上げ、 無防備な肌に小さな鋭い土の欠片を突き刺す。ふと岩場へと目線を戻した彼の背中がこわばり、 ハシバミ色の瞳は確信の怒りに細められた。岩場から来る一瞬の瞬きを見たのである。 衛星の弱々しい恒星の光がこの世界には存在しないはずの何かに反射し、研ぎ澄まされた視覚がそれを見逃さなかった。 彼らは見張られている。そして彼らを待ち受ける何かはあの場所で待っている。

Reaching down, the injured Corellian pulled the Tatooine youth to his feet. Swaying momentarily under the dead weight, Solo maneuvered the boy, face down, over his left shoulder. He allowed the boy's body to slide until he had him balanced properly to carry. He glanced once more toward the hazy mesa, then up at the heavy twilight that bathed the world in its eternal semi-darkness. Groaning with the weakness that washed over him, Han Solo angled his steps toward the barren peaks of the western mountains and their adjoining foothills. He pulled his thoughts away from whatever watched them from the mesa. He forced one foot ahead of the other, keeping his mind off his pain and the worry he bore for his young friend. Instead, he allowed himself to draw on anger, hatred and revenge for whatever it was that would come for them.

手を伸ばし、傷ついたコレリア人はタトゥイーンの若者を足元に引き寄せた。 生気のない身体の重さにしばしよろめきながらも、青年の頭を下にして左肩に担いだ。 青年の体が運びやすい位置に収まるまでずらし、バランスをとる。 彼は霞んで見える岩場をもう一度見やると、頭上で永久に薄暗い世界を照らすぼんやりとした光源を仰いだ。 襲いくる疲労感に呻き声をもらし、ハン・ソロは東の山々とその裾野へと足を向けた。 岩場から自分たちを見つめる何者かから無理やり意識を引き離す。一歩一歩をやっと踏み出し、 彼は痛みと不安を振り払いながら若い友人の為にじりじりと歩を進めた。 代わりに彼はこれから起こる何らかのことに対する怒りと嫌悪、そして復讐心にすがることを自身に許した。

It had been an unscheduled trip to the Falaka System, so whatever had been done to arrange this had not been planned in advance. The shuttle had been leased and carefully check out before lift-off. Having rechecked her himself, Solo knew anyone intent on sabotaging the vessel could have done so anytime after or before liftoff. Her systems were unshielded and vulnerable, as those of his own ship, the Millennium Falcon were not.

ファラカ星系へのこの旅は予定外だった。それ故、この事態を引き起こすために行われたことはあらかじめ仕組まれたものではない。 シャトルは借り物で離陸前に入念に整備されていた。自ら船を確認していたソロは、乗り物の機能不良を企てた何者かが それを実行に移したのは離陸の前後だということがわかっていた。そのシャトルの構造には彼が所有している ミレニアム=ファルコンにはない無防備さと脆さがあった。

They had taken all the precautions they could, but it had obviously not been enough. Solo shrugged. They were alive and moving. Whoever had planned this had not expected them to survive the crash. He paused. His heart quickening under the sudden thought that had sent a cold tentacle of suspicion coursing his spine. Maybe someone had the patience and experience to wait, to allow them to tire, to weaken, to keep moving until they could offer no resistance, then take them - alive. Han Solo swore weakly. It had not been an Imperial trap. They did not go to these extremes to capture Alliance spies or outlawed smugglers.

予防策は出来うる限りとったつもりだったが、明らかに充分ではなかったようだった。 ソロは肩をすくめた。彼らは生きて動いている。これを企てた何者かは、 彼らが墜落を乗り切るなどとは思っていなかったに違いない。そこまで考えて彼は止まった。 突然脳裏に浮かんだ疑惑に鼓動が速まり、背筋に冷たいものが走る。 もしかするとその何者かは彼らを待ち続ける忍耐と経験を持ち合わせているのかもしれない。 彼らが疲れ、弱り、抵抗する気力がなくなるまで追い詰め、生きたまま捕らえようとしているとしたら。 ハン・ソロは弱々しく悪態をついた。これは帝国軍の仕組んだ罠ではない。 彼らはたかが反乱軍のスパイや無法者の密輸業者を捕らえるためだけに、ここまでやらないだろう。

There were a lot of beings Solo could think of who would wish him dead, others who would relish having him alive and helpless at their disposal. It was on one of these beings that he concentrated his thoughts as he attempted to sidestep the tentacles of pain that spread through his shoulder and down his back as he struggled under the weight of his unconscious friend.

自分の死を願う者や、生きたまま無抵抗な自分を支配化に置くことを切望する輩なら いくらでも思いつく。そのうちの一人に意識を集中させることで、 ソロは意識の無い友人の体重の下で足掻くうちに肩から背中にかけて触手のようにじわじわと広がる痛みを 忘れようとしていた。

There were those, he reminded himself, who also sought young Skywalker. They were by far the more dangerous. But, they would have had no need for the methods that had been used. No, he reasoned, whoever had seen to their abandonment on this moon had planned well. He would stalk them, patiently, skillfully. Silently, Han Solo pat a name to the enigma he feared would follow them - bounty hunter.

スカイウォーカーを狙う者もいるのだと自分に言い聞かせる。そういう輩の方がもっと危険だった。 しかし彼らにはここまでする理由が無い。違うな、と彼は決定づけた。 彼らをこの衛星で遭難させることを企んだ誰かは、念入りにそれを仕組んでいた。 その者は慎重に巧妙に忍び寄るだろう。心の中でハン・ソロは自分たちを付け狙っているであろう 謎の人物に名前をつけた――「賞金稼ぎ」と。

His jawline hardened, his hazel eyes reflecting with a deadly intensity that forebode no good to the unknown hunter. He had a beacon set to the emergency frequency of a very deceiving-looking freighter, her gains powerful enough to receive the tiny device's signal if he could achieve the necessary elevation. All he needed was time.

彼の口元は引き締まり、見知らぬ狩人の思い通りにはさせないという強い決意に ハシバミ色の瞳が光った。非常事態に備え、彼が見た目だけでは判断しがたい船(※ファルコンのこと)に取り付けた機器には、必要な高さを確保できさえすれば小さな装置から発信された信号でも受け取ることの出来る許容量がある。必要なのは、時間だけだった。

Han Solo was an impatient man. He never doubted that one day he would go down in a flurry of laser fire, but - he tightened his handsome mouth into a thin line - the hell if he would just stand by and let a bounty hunter take him. He quickened his step. The wind was rising, pushing urgently at his back.

ハン・ソロは短気な男だった。彼は自分がいつか混乱の最中に銃火の餌食になるであろうことを疑おうともしていなかった。だが、賞金稼ぎごときに黙ってやられてやるものか―― 端正な口元を真一文字に結び、彼は歩調を速めた。風が更に勢いを増し、急かすようにその背中を押した。

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